For information about registrations, please contact:

OIC s.r.l.
Viale della Giovine Italia, 17 – 50122 Florence, Italy
Tel. +39 055 50.35.370
We wish to inform you that if any other suspect/unknown company or agency than OIC offered you registration, hotel bookings and other services for the 28thEVER Congress, 9-11 October 2025 Florence, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent 28thEVER Congress, 9-11 October 2025 Florence in any way, nor do they have access to the officially room blocks or rates.
Unfortunately, these companies act fraudulently towards many other congresses participants all over the world, through false websites, scamming and phishing e-mails.
We strongly recommend not proceeding with any communication with these unauthorized companies and we invite them to avoid providing any personal or bank information with them.
How to register
Please note that this is the official 28th EVER Congress website for registrations and that no other websites, companies or agencies are authorised to sell the registrations/ hotel booking in any way or to contact you directly.
Pre-registration will be accepted until 8 September 2025. After this date, only on-site registrations will be possible.
Early bird and other deadline fees apply only if both registration and payment are completed by the respective registration deadlines.
Participants may proceed with the on-line reservation system:
Off-line registrations and requests of pro-forma/ invoices sent by fax or mail are subject to an additional € 30,00 for administration expenses.
Advance registrations are preferred to facilitate planning of the scientific sessions of the conference. On-site registration is strongly discouraged.
Please ask for a group account by contacting OIC to
Registration fees are in Euro (VAT included). Registration fees will be adjusted according to VAT charge alignment.
Those who require direct invoicing to the Public Administration are kindly requested to contact prior to completing the online registration.
To correctly view all the Registration Fee table on mobile, please swipe to the left.
Member * | € 400,00 | € 465,00 | € 565,00 |
Non-Member | € 715,00 | € 770,00 | € 865,00 |
Attendees in training** / Young attendees (under 35 years)*** | € 190,00 | € 260,00 | € 315,00 |
Industry (Sponsors)**** | € 400,00 | € 400,00 | € 400,00 |
Industry (Professionals)***** | € 900,00 | € 900,00 | € 900,00 |
* Reduced registration fee for EVER members. To benefit from the discount, you will need to become an EVER member before registering. Membership status will be verified by EVER. Be aware if your membership is not updated, the “Non member fee” will be applied. Your membership number is visible in the EVER membership profile (right upper corner). We wish to invite you to renew your EVER Membership or to join EVER Association.
** Status of Attendee in training should be certified by a letter from the head of the department stating that the applicant is an ophthalmology resident or a PhD or Master Student at the time of registration.
*** Copy of valid document (ID or passport) to certify the date of birth is mandatory to be up-loaded in the on-line platform directly (pdf format is required).
**** Corporate personnel of companies that support the event with a sponsorship (not exhibiting companies).
***** Commercial representatives and corporate personnel who have a legitimate educational or business reason for attending, but do not have a sponsorship or product and service to exhibit.
A Delegate Registration is mandatory for all oral and posters presenters.
- Congress kit and personal badge
- Attendance to all Scientific sessions
- Free entrance to exhibition
- Coffee during breaks
- Certificate of attendance
- Welcome reception on October 9
- Farewell reception on October 11
- Congress kit and personal badge
- Admission to the technical exhibition
- Admission to scientific sessions
- Coffee during breaks
- Welcome reception on October 9
- Farewell reception on October 11
VISA Information
For some nationalities, a Visa is required to enter in Italy. Foreign participants should contact the Embassy or Consulate in their home country to determine their Visa requirements.
Participants requiring Visas should initiate the application process at least 3 months prior to their departure date.
The Organising Secretariat OIC is not able assist participants with their Visa application and cannot intervene with Embassies or Consulates on behalf of any participant.
Letter of Invitation (for Visa Application)
To request a Visa invitation letter please log into the online registration link and enter the module “Invitation letter request”.
Only participants fully registered in the conference can obtain a personal invitation letter and only once the full payment of the registration fee is received.
Relevant expenses for hardcopy of the invitation letter sent by express courier must be paid in advance.
Important notice: visa invitation letter only aims to assist participants who need to obtain a visa or permission to attend the Congress and it is not a commitment from the organizers to cover any kind of expenses or to provide any financial support. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference remain the sole responsibility of the participant.
Credit Card
The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, VISA, MasterCard.
We would like to inform you that as of September 14, 2019, the SCA (STRONG CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION) came into effect, in accordance with the provisions of the European Directive on payment services (PSD2).
As an OIC Group customer, your payments will become even more secure.
To get more information about this, please visit our dedicated page available here.
Payments by bank transfer are accepted up to the late fee deadline of 8 September 2025.
Cash payment in Euros will be accepted on-site in Florence.
Bank transfer (not available for online applications)
Account name OIC srl
Bank name Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Bank Address Viale Matteotti 20r, 50132 Florence, Italy
IBAN IT85 V030 6902 9010 0000 0010 628
Bank transfers must not involve charges for the recipient.
Important information
Please indicate your name and surname and EVER2025 as reference on your payment so that we can identify you for confirmation.
Invoices with an address in the European Union should be provided with a VAT Number. The invoicing address and VAT number can only be set up during the registration process. Should you have any special requests for the processing of your invoice, kindly let us know when submitting your application.
- Off-line registrations and requests of pro-forma invoices sent by fax or mail are subject to an additional € 30,00 administration charge.
- Any modification on VAT number or billing address, requested after the issuing of the invoice incurs a € 30,00 administration charge.
For changes or cancellations a written notification must be sent to Organising Secretariat OIC:
- For cancellations received by 1 July 2025: a penalty charge of 30% will be applied.
- For cancellations received by 8 September 2025: a penalty charge of 70% will be applied.
- No refund will be processed for cancellations received from 9 September 2025.
- An administrative fee of € 50 will be applicable for name changes. For the replacement of a delegate, written permission from the originally registered participant will be required, along with full contact details of the substitution.
- Anyone unable to attend the congress after paying, and/or unable to transfer the registration fee to another person, must cancel his/her registration. The registration fee will be refunded if the request is received prior the above cancellation deadline dates.
- If you are unable to attend the Congress because you were denied a Visa to enter the country, you will be granted a refund only if you submit a copy of your visa rejection letter. The refund will be issued less the cancellation fee above stated.
- Please note that no refunds will be issued for additional fees paid for express shipping of invitation letters.
In the event of serious, special or unforeseen circumstances beyond its control, OIC shall be entitled to fully/partially cancel or modify the Event, by also changing the dates or access mode (i.e. Hybrid, virtual, etc.).
Please note that in these cases no compensation for any costs or damages incurred as a consequence of such a cancellation or change will be paid by OIC.
All delegates are urged to take personal travel insurance.
Therefore OIC will not be liable for any theft or damage to property and/or persons caused on site during the Congress, by any factor whatever, unless there has been a fault, intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of OIC.
OIC shall not be held responsible in the event of poisoning or food intoxication during the Event.
Hotel Accommodation
For hotels and other kinds of accommodation located near the Congress Venue or in the city centre, please access to the below systems available 24 hours a day. Secure payment process, instant confirmation of your reservation and descriptions, photos and maps will help you to choose the perfect hotel and best solution for your stay.
We wish to inform you that any other suspect/unknown company or agency than OIC offered you registration, hotel bookings and other services for the 28thEVER Congress, 9-11 October 2025 Florence, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent the 28thEVER Congress, 9-11 October 2025 Florence in any way, nor do they have access to the officially room blocks or rates. Unfortunately, these companies act fraudulently towards many other congresses participants all over the world, through false websites, scammming and phishing e-mails. We strongly recommend not to proceed with any communication with these unauthorized companies and we invite to avoid providing any personal or bank information to them.