More information coming soon.
- Abstract submission opening: 3 Marzo 2025
- Abstract submission deadline: 18 April 2025
- Notification of abstract acceptance: 23 May 2025
- Early bird registration deadline: 1 July 2025
Presentations Type:
- Poster – 70 cm (wide) x 120 cm (high) – vertical oriented (no template foreseen)
- Rapid fire (oral, 4 minutes), selected by the Scientific Committee from poster submissions
- Free papers (oral, 12 minutes)
Only research studies (basic, translational or clinical) with results are eligible for oral presentation formats (Rapid Fire or Free Papers).
Clinical cases are limited to poster presentations
You must select your presentation type preference from one of the following options:
An option for Free Paper only is not available.
- #1 Poster (first choice), #2 Free Paper (second choice)
- #1 Free Paper (first choice), #2 Poster (second choice)
- Poster only
Please note that all submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee and their selection will be final within:
- Poster
- Poster and rapid fire
- Free paper, without poster presentation
Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be rated on a scale of 0 to 10 across six categories: Clarity, Interest and Originality, Hypothesis and Objectives, Material and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The maximum score will be 60. Submissions with a score below 30 will be rejected.
Please carefully follow the instructions before submitting the abstract. Submissions incomplete or not compliant with the instructions will be refused. The abstract will be online for review by the author until the final submission deadline. The submission is only possible on-line. Abstracts submitted by e-mail, fax or post will not be accepted.
- The presenting author must be the First Author, the individual whose name appears first on the abstract. An abstract must be submitted with the intention that, if accepted, it will be presented by the First Author.
- The abstract must be clear, concise and written in English. Please be aware that abstracts submitted in languages other than English will not be accepted. The abstract will be published and submitted; presenters are requested to carefully proofread their abstract.
- Abstract length is limited to 2000 characters including spaces. If possible, please avoid including pictures and tables.
- Abstract body should be structured as follows: References (if any), Aims / Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Please download and use the template available on the submission page.
- Non-conventional abbreviations are not allowed in the title, that must be in English as well. If abbreviations are used in the text, please write the full description when first used.
- When submitting the abstract, authors are invited to select a specific congress topic (only one) from the following list:
- ACB: Anatomy / Cell Biology
- COS: Cornea / Ocular Surface
- EOVS: Electrophysiology / Physiological Optics / Vision Sciences
- G: Glaucoma
- IM: Immunology / Microbiology
- LC: Lens and Cataract
- MBGE: Molecular Biology / Genetics / Epidemiology
- NSPH: Neuro-ophthalmology / Strabismology / Paediatric / History
- PBP: Physiology / Biochemistry / Pharmacology
- PO: Pathology / Oncology
- RV: Retina / Vitreous
- Each Presenter can present up to two abstracts.
- Presenting authors who are under 35 years of age at the time of the abstract submission are eligible for the YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD.
- Presenting authors who are under 35 years of age at the time of abstract submission and from inclusiveness target countries and/or low or middle income countries may apply for a travel grant (see here list of eligible countries)
- The abstract ideally should be newly presented data but can include data presented within 6 months and not already published at the time of submission.
- All accepted abstracts will be published on EVER Congress website and on Acta Ophthalmologica online journal.
Guidelines for EVER 2022 Call for Abstract
The Scientific Committee invites you to actively participate in 23rd EVER Congress that will be an extraordinary occasion, after the terrible pandemic, for the exchange of thoughts and experiences. We look forward to receiving abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the programme as poster presentation or oral presentation.
last postponement
15 JUNE 2022 at 23:00 CEST
After the submission deadline, all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the Chairs of the sessions. Acceptance, together with technical details for oral or poster presentation, will be notified to the submitting author by 20 July 2022.
Please note that registration for the conference is mandatory for those wishing to submit scientific contribution.
Abstract Preparation
Please carefully follow the instructions before submitting the abstract. Submissions incomplete or not compliant with the instructions will be refused. The abstract will be online for review by the author until the final submission deadline. The submission is only possible on-line. Abstracts submitted by e-mail, fax or post will not be accepted.
- The abstract must be clear, concise and written in English. Abstract will be published ad submitted; presenters are requested to carefully proofread their abstract.
- Abstract length is limited to 2000 characters including spaces. If possible, please avoid including pictures and tables.
- Abstract body should be structured as follows:
– References (if any)
– Purpose
– Methods
– Results
– Conclusions - Non-conventional abbreviations are not allowed in the title. If abbreviations are used in the text, please write the full description when first used.
- When submitting the abstract, authors are invited to select a specific congress topic (only one) from the following list:
– ACB: Anatomy / Cell Biology
– COS: Cornea / Ocular Surface
– EOVS: Electrophysiology / Physiological Optics / Vision Sciences
– G: Glaucoma
– IM: Immunology / Microbiology
– LC: Lens and Cataract
– MBGE: Molecular Biology / Genetics / Epidemiology
– NSPH: Neuro-ophthalmology / Strabismology / Paediatric / History
– PBP: Physiology / Biochemistry / Pharmacology
– PO: Pathology / Oncology
– RV: Retina / Vitreous - Indicate your preferred presentation type (oral or poster presentation).
- Each Presenter can submit up to two first author abstracts.
- The abstract ideally should be newly presented data, but can include data presented within 6 months and not already published at the time of submission.
- All accepted abstracts will be published on EVER Congress website and on Acta Ophthalmologica online journal.
- All abstracts are reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The reviewing process is strictly confidential and all reviewers have agreed to the following: “I understand the confidential nature of the abstracts, and I will not discuss their contents with any individual, nor will I make copies of abstracts for my own or others’ use. In addition, I will not review any abstracts where conflict of interest may be perceived, i.e., work on which I have authored or co-authored or work completed in laboratories where I work”.
15 April, 2022
Call for Abstract
15 JUNE 2022 at 23:00 CEST
Abstract submission deadline
20 July 2022
Notification of acceptance for abstracts
In order to have your abstract published on Acta Ophthalmologica, REGISTRATION IN THE EVENT IS MANDATORY before 25 August 2022.
For more information, please contact:
OIC s.r.l.
Viale G. Matteotti, 7
50121 Florence, Italy
Tel.: +39 055 50351
Fax: +39 055 5001912