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Scientific Programme

More information coming soon.



The 28th EVER congress will provide the perfect environment to promote the best research in vision, retina and eye, bringing together clinical, translational and basic science in a very beautiful, welcoming and dynamic city.

There will be nine keynote lectures delivered by outstanding researchers in our field:

  • Missoten EVER Keynote Lecture: Prof. Gordon Plant, UK
  • Soubrane EVER Keynote Lecture: Prof. Kapi Bharti, USA
  • De Laey EVER Keynote Lecture: Prof. Dan Milea, France
  • Special Recognition EVER Keynote Lecture: Prof. Przemyslaw Sapieha, Canada 
  • Ophthalmic Research Lecture
  • Heritage Lecture: Prof. John Forrester, UK
  • Past President Lecture: Prof. Andrzej Grzybowski, Poland
  • ACTA ophthalmologica lecture: Prof. Steffen Heegaard, Denmark
  • European Academy of Ophthalmology Lecture: Prof. Eberhart Zrenner, Germany

EVER Monthly Scientific Sessions – WEBINARS

NEWS! Don’t miss the EVER Monthly Scientific Sessions: every first TUESDAY of the month, 14.00 CET.

Click here for more information

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